My stroke story

 Yea, last year i was having headaches, and the doc was trying to get my bp down, gave me a bunch of pills that didn't work  or made me swell up like Veruca Salt or crush my energy.  Nothing was working.  So Kristin and my oldest go back east to  see Kristin's parents, home alone (WHO-HO! Pants optional) and one evening Caitlyn had her work (she works at a pizza place) deliver me dinner. Well, I was feeling a little weird, after the pizza was delivered I couldn't get my wallet into my jeans... and I couldn't get my jacket on.  I knew something was up, so I put the pizza in the kitchen and drove myself to Urgent care, wrote on the paperwork STROKE and waited.  Called my Dad and said 'my brain  isn't working' and he came down from Norco and met me at UC.

Well, nothing big, but go over to the ER and they will check you out better (they are a stroke center).  So drove over there and got checked in... eventually... and they did a couple of scans and said I was 'ok', but here are more pills.  Spent a few days at my parents, got scheduled for an MRI the day before Thanksgiving, all is cool.
Get to the MRI (oldest drove me), check in and my words are jumbled again.  Go into the scanner and it was short (not my first rodeo) they stopped and said the doctor will talk to you in a minute... wheel me into ER and I get the room with the big windows (oh shit) daughter disappears, Kristin shows up... all sorts of questions, more scans,   
I had one of my juggulars completely blocked and the headaches were new blood  vessels pushing out.  Get scheduled for a stent the next morning (Thanksgiving).
They go in through the crotch and insert a long tube through the heart and into my neck, insert the stent, then pull it  out. no stitches... so they keep a sandbag on that area...every half hour a cute nurse comes in and looks at my cold junk to make sure there is no bleeding.
No dignity in the hospital...

Anyway, eating turkey isn't easy with hands all kludged up with monitors and tubes.

The rest is just home treatment stuff, and I am mostly normal (for me).

That's my story and that's all I have to say about it. 


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