Hunt for the Boston Bomber (snark edition)...

... or as I will call him - Dumb SOB.

Apparently Bro #1 went all 'splodie.  Good riddance.

Snark one: Bumper sticker on his car:

Coexist bumper sticker = looser

Snark two: His twitter feed...

Snark three: probably wrong, but the guy was naturlaised on September 11, 2012???

Snark four: lefties are whining that it wasn't one of their favorite punching bags...

Climate change = Boston Bomber?  Only in NY...

And the guy was a 9/11 truther???

...And registered to vote!

Connected to PRI - the National Public Radio outlet???  YEP!

Such a charmer...


Oh - perhaps he could have been DEPORTED??? No - the rules were followed...  Actually, what should happen is a classic "roll-em-up" operation to grab all the cells out there...

A supporter of BHO?  UNPOSSIBLE!  The libs are having their brains pretzeled out...

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